05 Jun Details: Things We Love
Western Wonder Woman Bracelet by Ben Nighthorse Campbell
For anyone who’s ever dreamed of being a wonder woman (or a mother), Ben Nighthorse Campbell has created this super – heroically beautiful piece. A national treasure himself, the former senator from Colorado chose Sleeping Beauty turquoise, blue opal and coral set in sterling silver to make a statement. Seeing the silhouette of an eagle’s wings against the sun inspired Senator Campbell, as did the many ancient rock art depictions he grew up with in his native Southwest. Images of rock art are sandblasted in white on the inside of the bracelet and will certainly empower any wearer.
$8,500 | Sizes 5, 6, 7 | 505.501.6555 | Sorrelsky.com
Home Accent Pillows by Inigo Elizalde
With a degree in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design, Inigo Elizalde has taken his talents beyond the canvas. A native of the Philippines, his reputation as a textile designer stretches from Manila to Manhattan. His knowledge of painting techniques inspires Elizalde to create textiles from his surroundings; perhaps the way the light reflects on a river, or memories of textile patterns from his childhood. Whether you like super thin, hand – woven dhurries or Swiss – dyed bamboo silk, his new collection of home accents offers bold designs; some graphic, some playfully geometric. Fun but not frivolous, these pillows are best mixed and matched.
$230 | 20 x 20 inches | 212.688.7700 | Inigoezalderugs.com
Artful Accent Chair by Todd Fendos
Todd Fendos has taken dining chairs to their ultimate artistic expression, as seen here in a tribute to Picasso’s Femme Assise Dans un Fauteuil (Woman Seated in an Armchair). It’s but one in a series of artful dining chairs from Fendos. Other Picasso – esque chairs include Femme au Beret Rouge and Tete D’une Femme. If you’ve been through Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently, chances are you’ve seen one of his chairs in the window of the Hoypoloi Gallery. Functional pieces of art, each is created from upcycled dining chairs. “Creating art is part of my soul,” says Fendos. His chairs are handcrafted, painted in acrylic and finished with a high – gloss polyurethane.
$495 | 43 x 18 x 21 inches | 414.704.9639 | Toddfendos.com
Verdigris Moccasin by Cathy Smith
A recent inductee into the Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Fort Worth, Texas, Cathy Smith is known for the authentic Native American and cowboy costumes she created for such movies as “Dances With Wolves” and “The Last of the Mohicans.” Luckily, her artistry and beadwork are now available outside Hollywood sets. These brain-tanned buckskin moccasins are Kiowa style, circa 1880. True beauties, she has colored them with verdigris and laundry bluing, sewn on antique seed beads and finished them to perfection with sterling silver buttons by her daughter, jeweler Jennifer Jesse Smith. Made to order, these gems will fit your feet perfectly.
$3,600 | 505.470.6650 | Cathyasmith.com
Phoenix Rising Channel plate by Lydia Ann Piper
Over the years Lydia Ann Piper has found many forms of expression for her artistic talents. Her fused glass, which she now favors, requires a lot of time and dedication. The Albuquerque, New Mexico, artist produces kiln-formed glass in a variety of styles. Her unique style, formed after many trials, merges form, color and pattern to create one-of-a-kind works of art. This colorful Phoenix Rising Channel plate is perfect for an entryway that could use a pop of color or perhaps a boudoir begging for a burst of brightness.
$440 | 7 x 23 inches | 505.842.1400 | Grandmesastudios.com
Spanish Revival Bed by Westwink Furniture
Want to sleep like a star? Join the likes of Julia Roberts, Joe Montana and Whoopi Goldberg, who each own one of Todd and Anne Winkler’s creations. The Winklers have been making furniture for more than 18 years. With a nod to history and a wink to the West, they have created their version of this 1930s Spanish Revival Floral bed, La Fonda style. Anne hand paints the beds that Todd hand makes; no stencils or jigs here. Each bed is one of a kind. Recently, Anne joined the renovation of Santa Fe’s famous La Fonda hotel and hand painted more than 70 beds. Now, a La Fonda style bed can be yours in a range of colors and styles.
$2,000 – $3,000 | Twin to King | 505.231.8374 | Westwinkfurniture.com
Travel Vest by SCOOTTeVest
Good news for the man who refuses to carry a purse: Scott Jordan has created just the thing — a vest with pockets for all the latest gadgets. Tech-enabled, multipocket clothing for men was the premise when Jordan appeared on television’s popular program “Shark Tank” to present his idea of travel duds; keeping items organized and accessible without being vulnerable to pickpockets. Now, 10 million pockets later, Jordan has created a full line of clothing for men and women (including underwear), keeping travelers safe and connected on the road or on the wing.
$250 | 866.909.8378 | Scottevest.com
Ranchero Western Sofa by Western Passion
For those who prefer more refined Western decor without sacrificing comfort, the three cushions of this gorgeous sofa provide plenty of comfortable seating. Created in leather with a suede overlap detail on the back, this Ranchero Western Sofa is beautiful any way you look at it. A whipstitch accent, nail-head trim and suede fringe skirting all enhance its beauty. A matching loveseat and club chair are available in a variety of colors. Each piece of furniture at Western Passions is made to order and shipping is free in the Lower 48.
$4,799 | 88 x 39 x 38 | 888,239.1777 | Westernpassion.com
Dogs Rule Nonchalantly by Mark Ulriksen
Whose heart isn’t warmed by a wagging pup? In his newest book, “Dogs Rule Nonchalantly,” artist Mark Ulriksen tells us, with humor, what it is to be a “dog person.” An illustrator for The New Yorker, Ulriksen combines paintings and hand-written comments based on his observations of the dogs he’s lived with through his life, from potty training a puppy to nursing old Fred on his way to doggie heaven. Ulriksen’s images and words live up to his belief that “Dogs remind me of pizza, Billy Wilder movies and kissing. Even when they are mediocre they’re still good.” It just so happens, there’s not a mediocre page in this book.
$29.95 | 140 pages | Goffbooks.com
Sferra Top-of-the-Bed by Samuel Scheuer
It all started in Venice, Italy, in 1891, when Gennaro Sferra opened his first fine linen operation. Since then, the European luxury linens he built his reputation on have made their way into the Vatican and into the White House, among other prestigious addresses. The ornate filigree ironworks in Venice inspires these Glynn patterned linens. A world-renown textile printer, Sferra layered shades of color onto 100-percent Italian woven Egyptian cotton percale for luxurious softness. These can be yours in crisp navy on white or, for a more mysterious look, black on ivory. All items are woven and printed in Italy.
Starting at $1,000 | Queen and King | 415.392.2813 | Scheuerlinens.com
- Sferra Top-of-the-Bed by Samuel Scheuer
- Travel Vest by SCOOTTeVest
- Phoenix Rising Channel Plate by Lydia Ann Piper
- “Dogs Rule Nonchalantly” by Mark Ulriksen
- Ranchero Western Sofa by Western Passion
- Spanish Revival Bed by Westwink Furniture
- Verdigris Moccasin by Cathy Smith
- Artful Accent Chair by Todd Fendos
- Home Accent Pillows by Inigo Elizalde
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