In Central Texas, a home’s architecture reflects a deep appreciation for its setting. Elk Edge Retreat, named for an elk herd that often roams the property, is surrounded by acres of open, undeveloped ranchland and is situated to capture the views of the rugged, rolling...

“Time is a constant in all of our lives,” says artist Jason Kowalski. His evocative paintings of weathered, often abandoned restaurants, motels, vehicles, and other artifacts of the West comprise, he says, “an archival portrait of the American story.” Rife with rust, dust, fading paint,...

Though many of Curt Mattson’s sculptures are tabletop-size, the artist himself is larger than life. A sculptor, painter, preacher, historian, and horse trainer, Mattson brings decades of study, skill, and execution to his artworks, and then that ineffable quality that defies easy definition — spirit....

Oil painter Elizabeth Pollie extracts the extraordinary from the ordinary. Her still-life depictions of shells and sake jugs, of tiny, blue-spotted eggs and feathers, reflect expansively on the alchemy of daily routine and pull on the threads of the lacy beginnings of awareness. She also...

ARCHITECTURE | Hendricks Architecture CONSTRUCTION | John Radleigh Construction, Inc. There was a time when the Lyons family enjoyed rappelling from a bunk bed with a rope down a ladder staircase in the middle of the night. They also recall instances when the family of five took...

During his decades-long, successful illustration career, when Robert Rodriguez imagined himself eventually moving into fine art, he was clear about what he didn’t want to do. He was not interested in imagery that was dramatic or grandiose. He didn’t see himself using gaudy colors. And...

"Happiness,” sculptor Sabin Howard says, “is fleeting. Purpose gets you out of bed every day.” Howard’s all-consuming purpose for the last decade has been a 58-foot bronze sculpture featuring 38 larger-than-life-size figures moving through a cinematic homage to the men and women of World War...

ARCHITECTURE | Cushing Terrell CONSTRUCTION | Dick Anderson Construction INTERIOR DESIGN | James Thomas Interiors The process of creating any home succeeds only so far as everyone involved — homeowners, architects, interior designers, builders, and any number of other participants — works together to achieve an ideal balance...

ARCHITECTURE | Jeffrey Dungan Architects BUILDER | Big Valley Construction, LLC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | Ceres+ Landscape Architecture A Colorado home perched on 35 acres of rangeland with views of the Continental Divide opens its front door to expanses of untamed beauty. Surrounded by wilderness, every aspect of the...

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