Robert Townsend has spent his artistic career both fascinated and inspired by vintage Americana. His early large-scale watercolors focused on memories of Route 66 road trips with his family across the Desert Southwest. This early work eventually evolved into brightly colored Pop Art paintings depicting...

When people talk about art meccas, New York City, Paris, and L.A. come to mind. Colorado Springs, however, not so much, if at all, which is unfortunate because, at the turn of the 20th century, thanks to philanthropic visionaries Julie and Spencer Penrose, the town...

Internationally renowned photographer Douglas Friedman is driving through a flat, empty desert in an open black Jeep on a lonely dirt road. Pulling up with a flourish in a cloud of dust next to a flowering white yucca framed against a brilliant blue sky, he...

This past summer, the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC) reopened its seminal exhibition, Here, Now and Always. More than 1,100 objects were uninstalled to give way to a new, re-envisioned museum experience that will once again become the standard for how museums relate...

At first glance, Fort Mountain, a recent large-scale landscape by R. Tom Gilleon, impresses with its breathtaking majesty and deft virtuosity alone, presenting a mid-range view of the title subject surmounted by a vast, cumulus-filled Montana sky. Then, like a hallucination, the scene somehow transforms....

In the mountains of Northern California, a home takes in the sweeping vista of the landscape and the sky’s moods. The angled design of its architecture creates unique and, at times, whimsical perches and sheltered patios for indulging in the nuances of place. It all began...

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