The West has provided powerful stimuli for generations of artists. It’s a unique place, yet exists for many as an ideal, a fantasy, myth, symbol, or a time past. Artwork provides a constructive framework for us to contemplate the American West anew: its turbulent past,...

This is the story of a magical property and uncommon relationships. It is also a tale about the soul of a place, and how a house can become the physical manifestation of that soul, bringing joy to its owners and design team equal in measure...

Austin, Texas: Home to fabulous food, live music, a booming tech industry, and a general quirkiness that supersedes its official role as the state capital. Some call it the blue dot in a red state. Others suggest it’s a melting pot of authenticity — cultural,...

P.A. Nisbet, known to his friends as Peter or Pete, is also known as a cloud painter — not a common moniker for an artist. “If you look at art history, there’s not a lot of artists dedicated to atmospheric subject matter,” Nisbet says. “[John]...

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